KidsBee Web - Get Playful with our Fun and Colorful HTML Web Template for Kids Toys!
Features: Background video, Blog, Bootstrap, Dropdown Menu, eCommerce, Gallery, HTML 5, HTML plus JS, JQuery, Lazy Load effect, Template Leggero, MegaMenu, Layout Mobile Incluso, Multiuso, Online Store/Shop, Performance Optimization, Premium, Pro, Responsive, Retina Ready, Sample content, Facile Da Trovare Con Motori Di Ricerca, Tabs,
Styles: Artworks, Cartone, Vector, Web2.0,
Topic: Template Negozio di Giocattoli, Template Intrattenimento, Template Intrattenimento, Giochi e Vita Notturna,
Color: bianco, ciano,
tags: baby, bootstrap, cars, cart, cartoon, colorful, comics, modern, responsive, shop, shopping, toy,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,