Amira - Software and IT Solutions WordPress Theme
Features: Responsive, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Events Calendar, Team Members, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), eCommerce, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Advanced Theme Options, Drag and Drop Content, Blog, Gallery, Portfolio, JQuery, Background video, Lazy Load effect, j2store,
Styles: Clean, Mobile,
Topic: Financial Advisor Templates, Advertising Agency Templates, IT Templates, Pest Control Templates, Information Security Templates, Software Company Templates, Maintenance Services Templates, Software Templates, Insurance Templates, Software Store Templates, Business & Services, Computers & Internet, Finance,
Color: black, white, blue,
compatibleWith: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider,
tags: agency, marketing, technology, web design, web development, digital agency, creative agency, startup business, software company, design agency, agency website, startup agency, consultancy firm, corporate business agency,
WordPress Compatibility: 5.9.x, 6.0.x, 6.1.x, 6.2.x,
pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.1, 8.0, 7.4,
designSoftware: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Google Web Designer,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
wooCommerceCompatibility: 7.5.x, 7.6.x, 7.7.x, 7.9.x,