PIWAY - Music School Multipage Clean HTML Website Template

Color: nero, bianco, grigio,
Date Range: Lo scorso mese, Ultimi 6 mesi,
Features: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Facile Da Trovare Con Motori Di Ricerca, Bootstrap, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Tabs, Gallery, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,
Gallery Script: Accordion, Carousel, Gallery, Slider, Isotope, Grid,
Template Software Required: Apache 2.0+, PHP 5.4+, Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac),
Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,
tags: classes, coach, college, community, events, group, instrumental, knowledge, library, mentor, party, research, scene, singer, song, student, studio, study, university,
Web Forms: Contact Form, Newsletter Subscription, Search Form,
Topic: Template Scuola di Musica, Template Istruzione, Template Istruzione e Libri, Template Carriera e Formazione Specializzata,
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"Template #" 87333 | |
Тип: | Website Templates |
Author: | RockThemes |
Downloads: | 2 |
Live Demo
Template # 87333 |
Type: Website Templates |
Author: RockThemes |
Downloads: 2 |
Features: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Tabs, Gallery, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,
Template Software Required: Apache 2.0+, PHP 5.4+, Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac),
Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,
tags: classes, coach, college, community, events, group, instrumental, knowledge, library, mentor, party, research, scene, singer, song, student, studio, study, university,
Topic: Music School Templates, Education Templates, Education & Books, Career & Special Education,
Color: black, white, grey,
Date Range: Last Month, Last 6 Months,
Gallery Script: Accordion, Carousel, CSS and JS, Slider, Isotope, Grid,
Web Forms: Contact Form, Newsletter Subscription, Search Form,
Template Software Required: Apache 2.0+, PHP 5.4+, Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac),
Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,
tags: classes, coach, college, community, events, group, instrumental, knowledge, library, mentor, party, research, scene, singer, song, student, studio, study, university,
Topic: Music School Templates, Education Templates, Education & Books, Career & Special Education,
Color: black, white, grey,
Date Range: Last Month, Last 6 Months,
Gallery Script: Accordion, Carousel, CSS and JS, Slider, Isotope, Grid,
Web Forms: Contact Form, Newsletter Subscription, Search Form,